VC Crowd - Seed Investing Made Easy
The Next Big Success Story
Experience the thrill and financial freedom that comes from owning a stake in a company that becomes the next big success story...
All big companies today (Google, Tesla, Apple, Microsoft) were startups at some point. If you had managed to get a small stake early on, you would be rich today! That's the power of early stage investing and that's what VCCrowd is all about.
VCCrowd gives ordinary people the chance to own a stake in carefully selected early-stage businesses that have the potential for massive growth. This type of investing (angel investing) is high risk but by being part of the crowd, your personal risk is tiny.
To join the Club, you pay a monthly subscription for access to all the Club's facilities plus you'll receive FREE complimentary stocks and shares every month.
VC Crowd offers a hands free, low risk way to take part in a potentially very rewarding sector, plus you'll be supporting small businesses in their quest to become the next big success story. It's like Dragons' Den, for the people!
Company Name: VC Crowd
Countries Operating: Globally
Established: 2014
Product/Service: Angel Investing (aka "Dragons' Den for the people")
Subscription: Very affordable, from as little as £1 a day!
Affiliate Program: Earn 5%-20% revenue share of subscription payments made by your referrals.
Cost To Be An Affiliate: None - It's Free!
Payout Method: Direct to your bank account

So far, I have earned over £172,865 ($225,000 USD) as an affiliate with VCCrowd.
Here's a brief overview of how it works:
- Membership: Pay an affordable membership and receive complimentary shares in start-up businesses the Club has invested in. These are generally early stage businesses you cannot invest in anywhere else. These are companies that have been carefully selected to have the potential for huge growth. You don't need to know anything about investing - the Club does it all for you. It's completely hands free. Pay a subscription and watch your portfolio growing every month.
- Experts: VCCrowd consults with a team of financial experts with strong experience and connections in the start-up/angel investing sector.
- Support and Growth: VCCrowd supports start-up companies and invests time, money and skill to help these businesses reach a successful exit.
- Returns: Members stand to benefit from the substantial growth in the value of the free complimentary stocks and shares they receive.
You can earn up to 6 income streams by simply sharing this one website address!

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